Date Ideas for Your Quilter

You probably didn’t know at first. That slight resistance as you passed a fabric shop, an almost magnetic pull. The way they always gravitated towards the bedrooms in historical houses, something hungry in their eyes. Almost compulsive hoarding of fabric and thread.

You’re dating a quilter.

Are you familiar with the layout of the Festival of Quilts and Birmingham NEC? Because I am. Have you grudgingly accepted that quilts will take up more suitcase space than your clothes? Because I have. And, finally, have you stretched out to your full height, clutched fabric with your fingertips and rolled your eyes at comments like “can you make your feet more parallel please?”? Because I have. Nevertheless, I love my quilter. And since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, here are my suggestions for dates to take your quilter on.

A fabric shop

Preferably in a cute craft village. You may want to avoid this option if you’re looking for something relatively cheap. Otherwise, let your quilter loose with some money to spend. You have two options here. Either retreat to a nearby coffee shop and wait (I hope you brought a book) or shadow your quilter. Answers any questions they throw in your direction, generally with a “yes”. Do not mention if they have something similar at home. Instead, try “do you need matching thread?”.

An art gallery

We’re keeping it simple here, people. As a quilter, there is already an aspect of art to their lives. If nothing else, they’re likely to be inspired by the combinations of colours - especially if you veer towards the abstract section. And, of course, many bonus points if there’s a textile section.

A bookshop

Head towards the craft section and your quilter should be absorbed for at least half a hour. Buy them a book of their choice - whether it’s about colour theory, embroidery or anything else - a sketchbook, and some coloured pencils. Then sit with them, providing caffeine in some form as they read and sketch ideas.

Somewhere pretty to take quilt photos

This could mean a National Trust property (if you’re UK based), the beach, or just a nearby patch of greenery. Be prepared; wear clean and presentable shoes, take bulldog clips and string and spend the preceding few days focussing on your upper arm strength. Really push the boat out and carry the camera equipment for them. You can make this extra romantic by packing a picnic to eat on said quilt/s after photos are taken.

Build a quilt fort

How better to show they you love their quilts then by snuggling up underneath them? Move the furniture, populate it with cushions or an air bed and settle in for a few hours of the streaming service of your choice. Obviously, snacks are obligatory.

A class on a different craft

After all, your house can only hold so many quilts (yes, Cait, really).

By Ashley (Cait’s fiancee and future Quilt Wife)