Chain piecing to the rhythm

One of the most useful things I was taught when I started out quilting was how to chain piece. You might think, what’s all the fuss about? How great can it really be? The answer: SO GREAT.

It saves time, cuts down on thread waste, and helps to keep track of what you’re sewing when assembling lots of blocks at once. Seriously, it’s the best. Plus, it’s super easy to do!

Here’s how:

  1. Cut all of the patches for the blocks you need to sew

  2. Align the first two pieces right sides together so that they are ready to sew

  3. Lay them out next to your sewing machine in the order you want to sew, or stack them if you prefer

  4. Sew the first pair as you normally would, but instead of cutting the threads at the end, gently feed the next pair under the foot. The feed-dogs will ‘grab’ it and pull it forward to sew as normal

  5. Repeat until all your pairs are sewn and cut the threads

  6. Repeat as necessary!

That’s all there is to it! Chain piecing can be used for pretty much every quilt pattern you want to make, even FPP. Give it a go!

P.S. Chained to the Rhythm by Katy Perry makes for an excellent chain piecing soundtrack!