All the gear and no idea? It's time to fix that!

Do you find yourself humming You Belong With Me whenever you see pretty fabric? Do you need to calm down when it comes to buying new quilting tools? Join me for a chat (and a cat) about the best way to make sure you don’t have bad blood with your bank account!

Special shout out to my glamorous feline assistant Lyra, who clearly adores being adored and totally steals the show!

Video transcript

Have you ever walked into a quilt shop and found yourself lusting over pretty fabric only to take it home and realise it’s completely wrong for your current project?

Have you ever found yourself rushing to buy the latest must-have tool, only to unpackage it and find you don’t actually need it?

The materials and equipment chapter in my upcoming book, Modern Quilting, will guide you through picking the right fabrics, threads and tools for your project, from absolute essentials to the optional upgrades.

Rather than advocating for the newest and flashiest things, I advise you on how to curate a lifetime of slowly gathering the tools that are actually worth it - like my woollen pressing mat, which I don’t only adore because my cats love sleeping on it!

It’s also important to me that the tools work for you, which is why I focus on how tools can be adapted to be accessible, whether you have different needs or just want something that’s a bit more comfortable to hold.

Let me know in the comments what your favourite tool is!